Saturday, February 23, 2008


--Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; rather, it is a sign of strength.
--Attitude is 90% of living.
--People afraid to die, are also afraid to live.
--Self-worth is beneficial to a one’s well-being; self-importance can become self destructive.
--Everyone has Greatness within. We have to figure out what that greatness is and give our gift to others.
--If one spends the majority of their time trying to be happy; they’ll never be happy. If one spends their time making others happy; they’ll always be happy.
--Laughter is necessary for good health. Laugh often with others and always at yourself.
--The gifts of kindness and thoughtfulness are always returned more abundantly.
--Love cannot be bought. Love must be given freely, unconditionally—always.
--Women are smarter than men—always have been, always will be.
--Women never forget; men can’t remember!
--Seeing the face of a new born child is the closest one ever gets to seeing God while on this earth.
--Not believing in God is like asking me to believe that the dictionary resulted from an explosion in a print shop!
--All children do not learn the same way.
--Regardless of one’s age; everyone can learn something new each day.
--Words don’t mean—people mean.
--We only do what is important to us.
--I learned a long time ago, that for some things in life—the price is too high.
--Time is more precious than money.
--One’s health is more valuable than anything!
--Why are so many worthwhile things in life so elusive?
--Why are so many tasks a struggle?
--Promises made—should be kept.
--Commitments are contracts within us—they bind together heart, mind, spirit, and soul.
--Always read the fine print.
--Education is the key to economic strength, effective government, and the life blood of democracy.
--Next to unconditional love, sovereignty is the greatest gift one can give another.
--There are many different kinds of love.
--Everyone needs a reason a get up in the morning.
--Everyone wants to feel valued, necessary, and successful.
--Everyone wants to be loved and have someone to love in return
--Some people are dumb as a shovel
--Hard times and personal struggle builds self-reliance, independence, strengthens and fortifies one’s character.
--One may give up on America ; but America will never give up on them—the
United States offers unlimited opportunity. That’s why the word: American ends with
“I CAN.”
--The two most difficult jobs in America : citizen and parent—are entrusted to
--It doesn’t matter what’s happened to us; the important thing is what we do about it!
--Everyone has a story.
--Two questions asked in front of the mirror: Am I satisfied with my life? Am I happy?
--As teenagers, on our first date, I looked in Suzanne’s eyes and saw the rest of my life.
--As my soul-mate, she taught me how to “see” with my heart.
--What’s in the box? -- Faith, Trust, Honor, Respect, and Responsibility.
--Share your sunshine, give away your smiles, and pray for an endless supply.
--I was born at a very early age.
--Until I was thirteen, I thought my name was “SHUT UP.”
--I cannot remember the last time I was angry.
--I can always remember the last time I laughed.
--Never be so bold and ask God to make life easy; but, be humble enough and pray that He makes things possible.
--God always answers our prayers—one has to listen carefully, because at times, He says: NO!
--As a high school graduate, all I ever wanted was a chance to do better!
--Always say “Thank You.”
--What happens to you as a child stays with you all your days.
--Schools have become society’s fix-it shop.
--So many of today’s kids have everything—but they have nothing; we had next to nothing—but had everything.
--One has to believe in sunshine, especially on cloudy days.
--Only 10% of what we worry about ever happens.
--Every day should be an adventure. Discover your passion and pursue it unceasingly!
--Teaching is magic!
--Growing old is sometimes scary.
--Babies are like the dawn; the elderly are God’s human sunsets.
--Whether one believes in God is not nearly as important as if God believes in you.
--Humans do not like to eat their own words, say they’re sorry, or admit wrongdoing; they prefer to delegate blame.
--We are all teachers—we learn from each other.
--Holdings hands is sign language from the heart
--Respect is never given—it is earned through decency and love.
--The only days you don’t read are the days you don’t eat.
--Work each day as if you’re paying your own salary
--Have faith in your own dreams; be true to yourself.
--Hug someone today.
--Say a prayer for someone today.
--Savor the past, celebrate the present, and embrace the future.

Where's Al going to be next???

Check back soon for his next appearance at a location near you!